by Tony Cartledge
Foreword by A.T. Mann
Do you believe in astrology? This ancient art has persisted as a tool of self-discovery for thousands of years, yet has not fared well under the unforgiving scrutiny of science. In Planetary Types: The Science of Celestial Influence, author Tony Cartledge charts a unique course between the true believers and the hard-core sceptics, to try and determine, once and for all, whether the planets influence human life.
- Published 30 July 2009. Softcover, 254 pages ISBN 978-1906834036
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Tony Cartledge is an author and researcher and has published articles with WellBeing International, Conscious Living, and other magazines and web sites within the alternative fields. He is a features writer and sub-editor and writer for his local newspaper and lives in Queensland, Australia.
A.T. Mann is a leading astrologer and author of many books including The Round Art of Astrology and Life Time Astrology.